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It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our partner Rob Wurzer on Novmber 4, 2016. A celebration of Rob's life was held on November 11, 2016, which was also Rob's birthday. He would have been 58. The celebration was live-streamed and had more views than anything previously live-streamed from TVTruck. It was wonderful to know our partners in Made TV in Birmingham were with us during the celebration.

Historical Post from 2013: 

The Haddocks enjoy their new partnership with Rob Wurzer in TVTruck, which is a mobile film production business. Rob Wurzer is skilled in all aspects of production, and is kept very busy filming and live-streaming sports and music events. From football, roller derby, baseball, and fitness competitions, to summer music festivals, conventions, and car shows, this business is growing.

In fact, TVTruck has a new stationary studio location in Trek 2000 Corporation’s 47th Street Warehouse. Gord has worked with Rob, intermittently, since the early seventies. A pilot for a From the Cookie Jar cooking show is complete and Maureen is excited about further filming in this area. Production of a pilot for the Get a Bigger Wagon stories is a possibility, and Rob and Gord hope to feature music groups and entrepreneurs.
